
A multilevel theory of clause combining: Ossetic and Russian revisited [In Russian]

In this chapter, several constructions in Ossetic and Russian are analyzed with respect to coordination and subordination: in Ossetic, two clause combining constructions utilizing the coordinating conjunction æmæ; in Russian, causal clauses. It is …

Number mismatches in coordination

In some languages, including Russian and Italian, it is possible for a plural noun to be modified by two or more coordinated singular adjectives. At the same time, it is possible for a singular noun to be modified by two or more coordinated singular …

Cause in Russian and the formal typology of coordination and subordination

I apply the theoretical account of clause combining developed earlier based on Ossetic data to Russian causal clauses. Three Russian subordinating conjunctions are analyzed: *potomu čto* 'because', *poskolʼku* 'since' and *tak kak* 'for'. I show that …