A multilevel theory of clause combining: Ossetic and Russian revisited [In Russian]


In this chapter, several constructions in Ossetic and Russian are analyzed with respect to coordination and subordination: in Ossetic, two clause combining constructions utilizing the coordinating conjunction æmæ; in Russian, causal clauses. It is demonstrated that the properties of these constructions can be divided into three classes: features related to the linear order of clauses and the conjunction; properties related to the Coordinate Structure Constraint; properties related to the semantics. This means that the multi-level approach to coordination and subordination proposed in [Culicover, Jackendoff 1997] and [Yuasa, Sadock 2002] requires distinguishing not two, but three levels on which the notions coordination and subordination are defined. Such a set of three levels (c-structure, f-structure and semantics) are found in Lexical Functional Grammar, which is thus perfectly suited for the description of such constructions.

Anton Zimmerling, Ekaterina Lyutikova (eds). Clause architecture in parametric models. Moscow: LRC Publishing House