In this chapter, several constructions in Ossetic and Russian are analyzed with respect to coordination and subordination: in Ossetic, two clause combining constructions utilizing the coordinating conjunction æmæ; in Russian, causal clauses. It is demonstrated that the properties of these constructions can be divided into three classes: features related to the linear order of clauses and the conjunction; properties related to the Coordinate Structure Constraint; properties related to the semantics. This means that the multi-level approach to coordination and subordination proposed in [Culicover, Jackendoff 1997] and [Yuasa, Sadock 2002] requires distinguishing not two, but three levels on which the notions coordination and subordination are defined. Such a set of three levels (c-structure, f-structure and semantics) are found in Lexical Functional Grammar, which is thus perfectly suited for the description of such constructions.