Village of Dargavs (Prigorodnyj district)

Julia Mazurova and Angelina GusalovaJulia Mazurova is working with Angelina Gusalova at the UNESCO Department of North Ossetian State Pedagogical Institute
Village of Macuta (Iraf district)
Village of Zadalesk (Iraf district)

Arseniy Vydrin, Julia MazurovaArseniy Vydrin and Julia Mazurova in the museum of Nana wearing traditional Ossetian dress
Village of Axsau (Iraf district)

The road from Axsau to ZadaleskThe road from Axsau to Zadalesk in the Iraf district of North Ossetia. The inhabitants of both villages speak Digor Ossetic
Village of Maxčesk (Iraf district)

K. Gecaev, Xariton, A. Vydrin, M. KazaxovaRecording the story about the landmarks of Maxčesk, left to right: Kolumbij Gecaev, Xariton, Arseniy Vydrin, Maša Kazaxova
Village of Vakac (Iraf district)

I. Xadaev, A. Vydrin, O. BelyaevArseniy Vydrin and Oleg Belyaev are recording the story of Ilas Xadaev, inhabitant of Vakac
Village of Kamunta (Iraf district)

M. Bajsamgurov, O. BelyaevOleg Belyaev is recording the stories of Musabi Bajsamgurov in Wăllagkom dialect
Village of Dunta (Iraf district)

O. Belyaev, J. Mazurova, Boraxan, A. VydrinThe fieldworkers are guests at the house of Boraxan, from left to right: Oleg Belyaev, Julia Mazurova, Boraxan, Arseniy Vydrin