
Aorist, resultative and perfect in Shiri Dargwa and beyond

In this paper, I describe the system of core perfective past-tense forms of Shiri Dargwa (East Caucasian). This is one of the few languages where an evidential resultative coexists with a *bona fide* perfect paradigm. This fact is curious within the …

Automated dating of the world’s language families based on lexical similarity

This paper describes a computerized alternative to glottochronology for estimating elapsed time since parent languages diverged into daughter languages. The method, developed by the Automated Similarity Judgment Program (ASJP) consortium, is …

Glottochronology as a heuristic for genealogical language relationships

This paper applies a computerized method related to that of glottochronology and addresses the question whether such a method is useful as a heuristic for identifying deep genealogical relations among languages. We first measure lexical similarities …

Evolution of case in Ossetic

Ossetic sets itself apart from the other New Iranian languages by having a relatively elaborate system of nine cases. Since most of them are relatively late innovations, and only four cases (Nom., Gen, Abl., and Iness.) can be traced back to …