
Anaphora in Ossetic correlatives and the typology of clause combining

Ossetic, an Iranian language of the North Caucasus, makes extensive use of correlatives in its system of subordination. I argue that most subordinate clause types in Ossetic belong to this construction, with their function being derived from the …

Pronominal coreference in Ossetic correlatives and the syntax-semantics interface

Correlatives are a subtype of relative constructions where the subordinate clause precedes the main clause, contains a relative pronoun or DP, and is resumed in the main clause by a full DP containing a personal or demonstrative pronoun (the …

Ossetic correlatives in typological perspective [In Russian]

The thesis concerns the syntax and semantics of Ossetic correlatives. First, I describe the functions of correlatives in detail. This construction is the main type of subordination in Ossetic and its frequency by far exceeds that of other subordinate …

Correlatives and internally headed relatives in Besermen Udmurt [In Russian]

The paper concerns two non-canonical relative clause constructions in Besermen Udmurt: correlatives and internally-headed relatives. I show that the two constructions are distinguished by different syntactic properties. At the same time, the use of …

Coreference in correlatives: Variable binding or anaphora? [In Russian]

This paper concerns the analysis of correlatives in the Iron dialect of Ossetic. Most of the existing analyses of correlatives in languages of the world are based on the assumption that correlatives are a subclass of relative clauses, and that the …